Do you like to know who you’re actually buying from when possible? Me too.
Let’s do some fun fast facts to get you a little better acquainted with my story!

Emily if you’re mad at me, otherwise just Em ;)
My past life?
Working in buying across fashion, kitchen and homewares.
What sparked the beginning of Derby & Power?
Well my genetics were probably the starting point – there’s a long history of self-employment in my family. But more specifically, Derby & Power began life as a millinery label, after I personally found it difficult to find unique yet affordable pieces for myself.
My first range?
Oh my! It was awful. I think I sold one out of about thirty headbands I had made. But I adored the process – everything from making the pieces, to managing the (teeny tiny!) business. I highly recommend starting before you’re ready – no regrets!

How do I develop my skills?
Short courses, workshops, YouTube, trial and error – a bit of everything!
Where does my design inspiration come from?
I don’t have a set process, I just record thoughts as they pop into my head, and inspiration as it passes me by. Sometimes I’ll wake up with a fully formed design idea in my mind, other times I’m inspired by a unique fabric or embellishment that I come across.
Career highlight?
It’s always exciting seeing your designs on the telly, which I’m lucky enough to have experienced a bit of over the past few years. I’ve also run a few pop-up stores during the lead up to the Melbourne Cup Carnival – getting to meet customers, combined with the crazy adrenaline of keeping up with orders, is always such a thrill.

How about a low-light?
The limbo of 2020/21 has been tough for everyone. Putting a huge amount of work into a range, while not knowing if anyone would have the need for it, definitely took a mental toll and ate away at my normally plentiful motivation levels. In the end though, I managed to pull back unnecessary expenses, and I couldn’t believe how many orders filtered through despite the pandemic!

What’s next?
Lot’s of plans for D&P! I am beyond excited to be gradually adding homewares to the range. Entertaining and making my house feel like a home is a huge part of my life, so it just feels like a natural extension to bring it into the business.
Thanks for taking the time to ‘meet the maker’ ;) If you’d like to keep getting to know me, I’m always available and sharing what I’m working on over on Instagram – see you there! Em x